We're looking for alfalfa growers to collaborate with!In exchange for yield results, we'll ship growers a free package of BioEnsure® + BioTango™ to treat up to 40 acres of alfalfa. Product can be foliar applied mid-season and still be effective. Reach out at [email protected] if you're interested!
Field Size: 15 acres
First Cut: June 24 Second Cut: July 15 Third Cut est.: August 8 |
Field Size: 160 acres
First Cut: June 24 Second Cut est. : August 8 |
Photos taken on the same day on another farm in South Dakota. Grazing times are estimated to be 5x higher in the BioEnsure + BioTango treated field
A single foliar application at the beginning of the growing season is sufficient to increase yields of each successive cutting by 7-25% without sacrificing yield quality (Relative Feed Value). This is a double win for alfalfa growers.